Mural Toolkit
Mural Toolkit Please download the pdf version here. The pdf version includes examples of murals as well as all of the specifications used to create. We have also created several documents such as creative briefs and artist contracts that you may find useful to get you started on your mural journey. Whether you are an artist starting to create your works on a larger scale, or someone who would like to commission work, but just need a little help getting started, this guide is for [...]
Guide To Retail
Guide To Retail The Guide to Retail was developed to support local artists and makers entering the marketplace. It will offer insights on how to prepare for the marketplace, guidelines on engaging with retailers, expectations retailers have, and responsibilities of being a supplier. The Marketplace Craft & Farmers Markets A craft market is a fun and easy way to enter the market place and meet potential customers. There is typically a low entry fee, no barriers for entry, attracts shoppers, [...]
Cold Calls
Cold Calls Cold Call Submissions: Contacting a venue with an offer to sell them a piece when there has been no request made, by the venue, for the art. Letter of Introduction Start with a letter of introduction that explains who you are, what you are offering, and why a venue should be interested, and why you are offering your work to this venue. There is some difference of opinion as to whether or not to include a price at [...]
Call For Art
Call for Art – A Guideline Introduction A “Call for Art” is issued when a venue, such as a gallery, museum, public building with a large wall-space needing decorating, decides to ask artists to submit art to be shown in the building. Space may be open for three-dimensional art as well, and this could be for sculpture, pottery, ceramics, carvings, jewelry, fiber-art, or other artistic mediums. We had hoped to provide a definitive guide for answering a call for art [...]